
deadly deforestation and the loss of biodiversity

fire, forest fire, tree

saving the forest

Deforestation is a major issue which is killing the rain forest and the animals. The rain forests produce nearly half our o2 . destroying the rainforests will kill us as well. If we don’t stop in 100 years we wont have any rain forest. Many people think that we are only cutting a couple hundred trees a day but In reality 350 football fields of trees are cut down .

protecting biodiversity

biodiversity is like a knot but every time a species dies out the knot unravels and when a major one dies like coral all the animals and plant leave or die out. In a rainforest if a species like a orangutan dies out the forest will carry on with out it but if the trees are not there they all die out.

mass palm oil production

palm oil and over types of farms are what the forest land is used for. People burn the forest and cut it down for money then they plant palm oil trees and the sell it off and they hunt the animals that are native to the forests the kill adult orangutans and sell there children for thousands of pounds it is a terrible thing and they get away with it no government dose anything to stop them only a couple charity’s and national geographic try to properly stop it .

what to do

we can donate to charity or buy less products with palm oil in or buy far trade which give more money to people who do it to try get them to stop doing it because they are in poverty so they need money and the wood from the forest will give them allot of money.