Explore The Natural World



ave, bird, tucan

the troublesome toucan

The habitat

Hello here is a fact about the toucan. Did you know the toucan is a very bad flyer and when it does it flaps its wings vigorously and glides.   

green cheeked, south america, bird

the pesky parrot

The habitat

Did you know that only the parrot can lift its food up to its beak while it eats

forest floor

The forest floor is filled with dangerous animals from poisonous frogs to jumping jaguars. From the sizes of cuting ants to jaguars   

amphibian, frog, animal
ant, animal, insect
nature, animal world, animal
nettle, weevil, beetle
sloth, chilling, zoo
monkey, saimiri in peru, tree
bat, mammal, wildlife
jumping spider, spider, insect


Hello here is a fact about the toucan. did you know the toucan is a very bad flyer and when it does it flaps its wings vigorously and glides. and  did you know that it is said that 90% of the animals that live in the rain forest live in the canopy

deadly deforestation and the loss of biodiversity

Deforestation is a major issue. It is why now we see palm tree oil farms or houses or factories where trees  were. That is why we see videos of trees being cut down in forests. Do you really want later generations to not know what a rainforest is until they do history?  

Biodiversity (video on the bottom right) is the species, types and plant diversity  tied together 

Bio is short for biology. Diversity means lots of different types. Together they create a complex system. We know that system as life on earth . When its out of balance the circle of life is broken .

trees, strains, tree trunks

what is deforestation

When people destroy the forests.

deforestation, machine, truck


It is like a knot but when an important species like coral dies the species depending on it die out.